Safetech Environmental Limited Safetech Environmental Limited

The Impact of 2020 on Industry and Businesses

The lockdown during 2020 has dramatically changed how our industry is dealing with carrying out our services. It is tricky because people who are infected by the virus can still spread it because of the virus’s asymptomatic spread. Safetech’s services heavily relies on moving from place to place as our technicians collect samples from multiple locations. We do not have the luxury of working remotely 24/7 as many of us need to physically go to sites. According to the Ontario Government, our industry of environmental service is classified as an essential service, so we did not have to close when the Ontario Government declared lockdowns. We did not want to put our staff at risk as they continued working, so they were provided masks, reminded to upkeep basic hygiene, and encouraged to social distance. 

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Safetech Environmental Limited Safetech Environmental Limited

Where will Gen Z Live?

Gen Z will find comfort in residing in the suburbs or traveling around the world. The sky's the limit with this shifting workforce.

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Safetech Environmental Limited Safetech Environmental Limited

The 15-Minute City

The 15-minute city is an urban approach where cities are designed for residents of the city to be able to reach all their needs and destinations within a 15-minute walk, bike ride, or public transit ride. So what about Toronto?

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Safetech Environmental Limited Safetech Environmental Limited

Transportation Adjusters and Trucking Companies

Transportation Adjusters: Do you want to know more about the details our Qualified Person sees and how scope of work is designed? Information that can further help bridge the gap between consultant and adjusters so that we are on the same page for cost and foreseeable events.

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Safetech Environmental Limited Safetech Environmental Limited

Adjusters, When are Consultants Required? - Better Understanding Your Needs.

There are many cases when environmental consultants are viewed as added costs instead of added value. What purpose do environmental consultants serve in your projects? The ultimate question is: who wants to carry the liability and who represents your insurance company when you are not on site? 

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Safetech Environmental Limited Safetech Environmental Limited

Returning to "Normal"

As the world reopens and returns to some form of "normal", we want to support those leaders who have played their part, took on hardship and inspired others to protect the human race. We highlight those that took a leap for the betterment of others. 

We look forward to a time when we can enjoy the freedom of going out and socializing without concerns of negative health effects.

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Safetech Environmental Limited Safetech Environmental Limited

New Safetech Durham Office

Peter Milosh is the New Manager of the Durham Satellite Office located at 50 Richmond Street East, Unit 105, Suite 9, Oshawa, Ontario L1G 7C7.

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