Building Science & Structural Engineering
The Stressful Life of a Building
Being a building isn’t easy. Buildings are under a continuous state of distress from outside influences such as the sun, wind and rain. In northern climates buildings are impacted by ice and are subjected to regular freeze-thaw cycles. Heavy rains can overwhelm drainage systems and exert significant hydrostatic pressure on foundation walls. Inside, buildings are impacted by stresses related to occupant activities, the operation of mechanical, plumbing, electrical and HVAC systems and are subjected to renovations.
If not properly maintained, or if not constructed correctly in the first place, stressed portions of the building will age quicker than intended and may fail. Safetech’s Building Science and Structural Engineering Group can identify building condition, structural and building envelope issues, determine their root cause, and provide practical solutions to the issues at hand. Our comprehensive Building Condition Assessments will help building owners prioritize restoration projects and allocate funds appropriately for future maintenance projects.
Typical Services Provided by Safetech Include:
Structural Engineering Services:
Structural Analysis for Insurance Claims (wind, fire, collision, etc.)
Structural Repair Design and Permit Applications
New Residential and Industrial Structure Design
Renovations and Additions
Temporary Structure Design (e.g., scaffolding, formwork, shoring)
Building Science Services:
Building/Condominium Condition Assessments and Reserve Fund Studies
Balcony and Roof Assembly Condition Assessments
Moisture Intrusion / Building Envelope Assessments (including brick masonry assemblies, precast walls and window systems)
Pre-Construction Conditions Surveys and Monitoring
Parking Garage Assessment and Rehabilitation
Project Management:
Specifications, Tender Documents and Contract Administration
Project Planning, Execution, Monitoring, Controlling and Closing
Schedule Compliance
Cost Control and Quality Assurance Monitoring
Value Engineering