Ontario Encourages the Public to Report Polluters

The Ontario government is launching a new online tool that allows the public to easily report any pollution they have witnessed. 

As quoted from the Ontario Government, anybody can visit http://ontario.ca/reportpollution and fill out a simple form to report: 

  • pollution (e.g. solvents, oil, fuels or chemicals) on land, in the water or air

  • Industrial or commercial noise pollution

  • Waste being dumped into the natural environment

  • Improper disposal of commercial waste

Environment Minister Jeff Yurek said, “"With your help, we can hold polluters accountable and ensure compliance with the environmental laws we have in place to protect our air, land and water for generations to come."

This move is an effort to get the public involved in cracking down on environmental violators. With improved reporting of polluters, the hope is this will also improve the ministry’s response time. 

One of the biggest criticisms involves the new tools' reactive approach to addressing environmental issues. Critics argue the government should be focusing their efforts on more preventative measures. 

Regardless of which side you are on, undoubtedly the monitoring of current pollution and the prevention of future pollution are very important. 

At Safetech, our Environmental Services group works on both the preventative and reactive side of environmental issues. If you are wary of possible contaminants that may be reported with Ontario’s new tool, allow Safetech to be of service. 

Safetech provides recommendations to our clients to help them in obtaining their appropriate environmental approvals. If your facility releases contaminants into the air or creates noise, you may need an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA). Safetech specializes in preparing documentation packages in support of applications for ECAs and would be pleased to assist you with your ECA application. Safetech also has expertise in assessing and inventory for a variety of other environmental emissions to ensure compliance with municipal, provincial or federal reporting requirements including Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR). Additionally, Safetech is currently involved in oil and emergency spills, providing 24/7 on-call service to our insurance and commercial clients. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Safetech’s team of Professional Engineers, Certified Environmental Technologists and Environmental Technicians so we can help ensure that you are complying with environmental regulations.


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