Net-Zero 2050

In support of Net-Zero Emissions by 2050, Safetech as a business will strive to meet net-zero emissions targets. 

As outlined by the Government of Canada, net-zero emissions means we either no longer emit greenhouse gases or we offset our unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions with anthropogenic removals. 

Currently, our greatest greenhouse gas emissions as a company are our vehicle emissions, as our technicians travel all across Ontario to get to and from their sites of work. 

What does Safetech plan to do in the future to offset our carbon emissions by 2050?

  1. By following innovative technologies and cleaner products being introduced so we can continuously improve our company ecological footprint

  2. By investing in greener vehicles (electric cars charged with clean electricity)

  3. By investing in anthropogenic activities/technologies that capture carbon

Learn more about Net-Zero Emissions by 2050 at


Environmental Impact of Oil Spills


Toronto's Vehicle Dependency