Asbestos Assessment

Typical Asbestos Services Provided by Safetech Include:

  • Asbestos Surveys and Assessments

  • Bulk Sampling and Analysis

  • Design and Implementation of Asbestos Management Programs

  • Inspection and Air Monitoring

  • Maintenance / Asbestos Worker Training

A Brief History of Asbestos

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral whose properties make it ideal for use in a variety of manufactured products.  For example, asbestos was added to fireproofing and pipe insulation for its heat-resistant, fire-resistant and insulating properties while its fibrous morphology and high tensile strength made it useful in products such as vinyl floor tiles, exterior siding and shingles due to its durability. Little did we know at the time that some of these properties can also cause serious health effects. 

Long-term exposure to asbestos through inhalation can result in lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma.  As a result, the use of asbestos in materials has been banned or restricted in many countries (including Canada) and regulations have been created to ensure that the existing asbestos-containing materials (ACM) are safely managed to prevent exposure.


The Step-by-Step Process

Should you connect with us, one of our trained professionals will guide you through the entire process; from initial identification of ACM, to determining regulatory requirements specific to your project needs, through to overseeing abatement and verifying safe completion of work.

If your project requires removal of ACM, we can design a scope of work/specification to meet regulatory requirements, provide an estimate of project costs, provide a vendor list of qualitied contractors and evaluate contractor bids.

During the removal process we work closely with the abatement contractor to ensure that removal is completed safely and in accordance with project specifications.  Our activities may include visual inspections of enclosure integrity and work practices, air monitoring and post-abatement verification (visual inspection and clearance air testing) to document successful completion.

What to Expect During Removal

The extent of protective measures necessary to safely remove ACM varies depending on the type (friability) and quantity of asbestos.  The work area is often required to be separated from other areas of the building by a temporary enclosure, sometimes equipped with a worker decontamination facility and shower.  The enclosure is maintained under negative pressure using HEPA-filtered negative air machines.  Abatement workers are required to wear personal protective equipment, including impermeable coveralls and respirators.  The ACM is then removed under controlled conditions and all asbestos waste is sealed in labeled containers prior to being removed from the work area, after which it is transported and disposed of at an authorized waste disposal site.



We can help protect you from potential liabilities associated with asbestos.  Materials containing asbestos need to be identified so that they can be properly managed in place and safely removed when required.  By law, employers, constructors and building owners have responsibilities to keep workers safe from exposure to asbestos.  Not adhering to regulatory requirements can result in fines and even possible jail time, while exposing individuals to airborne asbestos could result in worker’s compensation claims or legal action.